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Easy Whole Grain Bread- This is a simple recipe that can be used as cinnamon rolls, pizza, rolls, etc.

For the Dough:

 2.5 cups warm water 

 1.5 T yeast 

 3 cups whole grain flour (wheat/ rye/ buckwheat/ etc)


 Gently mix these first ingredients together in mixer. Let ingredients rest in bowl for at least 10 minutes as it sponges; gas bubbles with start growing.


 1/3 cup honey 

 1/3 cup oil 

 3-4 cups whole grain flour (wheat/rye/buckwheat/etc.)  

 1/2 T sea salt or Himalaya salt 

(if your bread has a hard time raising add 1 T dough enhancer; usually found by the yeast)

 Knead 6-8 minutes or until dough is smooth and slighlty moist. It will start to clings from sides but still has a slight stickiness to it.

 Let dough rest 15 minutes while you prepare your work surface


a) If you are making bread; prepare pans with a light oil. Place in bread pans and rise for 1 hour. Bake 350* around 25 minutes. Every oven is different and can cook a little faster or take up to 30 minutes.


 b) If you are making cinnamon rolls/bread sticks; lightly flour your pastry frame or counter to keep dough from sticking. Bake 350*  12-15 minutes

 c) If making pizza go ahead and place on greased pans, spread out to desired thickness. Does not have to rise. Just prepare topping on top of dough.  Bake 350* 12-15 minutes.

Keep bread warm while preparing to keep gases alive for the rise.

Chocolate Banana Bread/Muffins

1/3 cup oil (coconut/hemp or canola)

2/3 cup apple sauce

4 eggs

3/4 cup organic sugar or coconut sugar

5-6 ripe bananas

2 T almond milk or vanilla

1 cup baking cocoa

3 cups whole grain flour

2 t baking soda

1 t sea salt

2 t cinnamon

1-2 cup chocolate chips (optional)

walnuts (optional)


Beat sugar, eggs, oil, milk/vanilla together to combined. Add mash bananas and mix until well incorporated. In seperate bowl add dry ingredients, mixing together well. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix till well combined. Add additional choclate chips and nuts.

Preheat oven 350 and prepare 2 pans; greased. Bake 40-60 minutes or until the top cracks open and when the top is touched it springs back. 

Easy bread sticks

This is a really easy recipe. We decided our soup needed some fresh bread and threw this one down.  



3 cups warm water

2 Tbsp yeast

4 T honey or coconut nectar

7 cups whole grain flour of choice; I used buckwheat

2 tsp sea salt

1/4 cup oil; optional


1.  In a bosch or mixer place all ingredients and knead until smooth (around 5 minutes).


2.  Pinch a ball of dough off the size of a golf ball. Roll it out like a snake about 10 inches long. Holding it in the middle, letting the two ends hang down, twist them together, pinching the ends together.


3.  Place on greased cookie sheet.Let dough rest from 10-30 minutes. The longer they rest the fluffier they will be. 


4. Heat oven to 375* Bake 10 minutes

Soft Whole wheat Pretzels

Pretzel Dough:


1/4 cup sugar cane or honey

1/4 cup yeast or 4 packets

4 cups warm water + 2 T almond milk (any kind will work)

10 cups whole wheat flour

2 tsp sea salt


1. In bosch or mixer, mix yeast and sugar in water and sponge (foam) for 5 minutes. Add flour and salt in, mix for 8 minutes or until dough is smooth and not sticking to sides of bowl.


2. Place lid on top or dish towel. Let dough sit for 30 minutes. 


3. Prepare soda water:

     2 cups water

     2 Tbsp baking soda

In a sauce pan bring to a boil or microwave 2 minutes until hot.


4. Remove dough from bowl and divide evenly into balls. Roll balls in to long snake and fold into pretzels.  Place in soda water for 5 seconds, drip excess water and place on greased cookie sheet.

Let pretzels sit 10-15 minutes while oven heats up to 425 degrees.


5. Cinnamon topping. Place 1 cup sugar cane, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg or ginger into a wide bowl. After soda water bath, dip in cinnamon mixture before placing on pan. **You can save this for last by spreading a healthy oil on top of pretzel and sprinkling cinnamon mixture on top.


5. Bake 425* for 8-10 minutes

Note: They rise fast making them fluffy. If you want more dense pretzels then skip the last 10 minute rise.


Picture coming soon.

Whole grain bagels

3 cups warm water

1 1/2 Tbsp yeast

1 1/2 Tbsp organic sugar or honey

1 Tbsp sea salt

6+ whole wheat flour


Ground flour in grinder or in blender on high speed until fine.


1. In mixer add water, yeast, sugar, sea salt, and flour last. Knead 5-8 minutes until dough is smooth looking. Place cloth on top or lid to allow dough to rest.

2. Prepare a cloth dusted with flour.

3. Pinch dough off the size of plums and roll in balls, place on cloth and allow to rest 20 min.

4. Place stone ware in oven and preheat 375* or just use cookie sheet

5. Place 8 cups of water in large stock pan with 1 tsp sugar and baking soda. When water comes to a rolling boil add a couple bagels at a time by poking a hole in the middle of the dough.

6. Boil 2 min. each side then remove and place on cloth.

7. Place corn meal on baking stone and place bagel on to bake 15-20 minutes. (You can sprinkle sesame seeds, cinnamon, or sea salt on each bagel after they are boiled.) Freeze some in ziplock baggies for later

Naan Bread

There are so many Indian Naan recipes out there and this is just one of them that is simple to make.  If you have one you really like submit it in and I'll add it to the website.


1 1/2 cup warm milk

½ tsp yeast

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

3½-4 cups whole wheat or buck wheat flour. 

1 tsp coriander or garlic

(really any herbs you like)

1-2 tbsps olive oil to spread on after


1- Place flour and salt in bosch or mixing bowl. In the center add warm milk, yeast, and sugar. Rest for a couple minutes. Knead gently with your hands till smooth dough, or in bosch/mixer for 3-5 minutes until smooth. Let it rest in the mixing bowl with a towel on top in a warm place for 2 hours. (This is when I run my kids to swim) ;)


2- Heat oven 450 to 500 degrees with baking stones in oven to warm up with it.  Take dough and divide into 12 balls.

Roll each one out to make an oval shape. When oven is warmed, place oval dough on stone for 4-5 minutes. They will poof up and lightly brown. Take out and cool on cloth or rack.

Use as a side with favorite seasoning on top or make a little pizza. This is a favorite.  

We love bell peppers, broccoli, sundried tomatoes, olives, and lots of cheese.



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I LOVE HEALTH AND FITNESS. I'm passionate about creating a healthy lifestyle not only for me and my family but helping others by sharing knowledge and learning from each other. 

NASM certified personal trainer

AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

ZUMBA instructor

NASM Nutrition Coach

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