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Smoothies are a great pre or post workout meal with vegetables and fruit. 

Good to knows:

Things that I have learned that make smoothies making easier.

The palette changes over time as you eat healthier. You start to enjoy the natural flavors of food and don't need to use as much sugars/fruits, etc.  I started out making just fruit smoothies and now I love adding lots of vegetable just as much. Start simple!

#1- (first) Water is a great way to add nutrients.  High pH water is great for inflammation and muscle function.  First start with filter water, then start adding coconut water or a high PH water over time or according to your workout.  When I'm doing long work-outs (over 60 minutes) I try to add coconut water for a higher benefit of electrolytes.  Each smoothie consists of  1.5 to 2 cups of fluids.  I use 1 cup water and 1  cup of nut milk for each smoothie. 


#2- (second)- Be creative with your greens-leaf source; kale, spinach, chards, romaine, green or red leaf, cabbage, etc.


#3- (third) I always mix 1:1 frozen/ non-frozen fruit; banana, apple, peaches, pomengrante, avocado, pear, etc.


#4- (fourth) Next comes the other half frozen/non frozen fruit; varitety of berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, boysenberry), mango, passion fruit, peaches, etc. *Look at the pH list


#5 (fifth)- Once you have a favortite smoothie, try adding a little bit more veggies like, carrots, bell pepper, beets, broccoli, jicama, etc. I started with a little bit at a time to aquire a taste for what I liked.


- Mix up your seeds.  I'm a fan of hemp seed and hemp protein because all the benefits you reap nutrition wise.  Flax and Chia seed are pretty close up nutrition wise, so  I use what I have on hand.  

- Add some kind of nut or oil for even more benefits and mental clarity. Walnuts, almonds, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, peacans, macadamian, avocado,  hemp oil if not using hemp seed.

  AFTER a strength training or intense workout, I add Hemp Protein or some kind of protein to help with rebuilding muscle. Before a workout it can hinder your performance.


 I use a Vitamix Blender so my seeds (flax, hemp, chia) get blended up really well. When looking at blenders get one that has high watts/horse power to get a great smooth taste

Pineapple Coconut


1 cups of coconut milk

1 cup coconut water
1 banana
2 cups frozen pineapple or fresh

handful dates (about 6)

1 cup ice

    For added nutrients add:
1 Tbsp hemp seed
1 Tbsp chia seed
1 large handful of Kale
Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2

Blueberrie Cleansing Smoothie


1 cups of almond milk

1 cup water
1 apple (flushing toxins)
1 cups frozen blueberries (Antioxidants)

1/2 cucumber (flushing toxins)

1/2 pomegranate or 1/2 cup seeds  (Antioxidants)

1 tsp flax seed

Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2

Blueberries and Pomengrantes are very high in antioxidants and excellent in flushing toxins from your organs out of the body. Apples, kale, and cucumbers also aide in this process. This smoothies offers great nutients as they cleanse.

Tropical Papaya Smoothie


1 cups of almond milk

1 cup water or coconut water
1 banana or pear

1/2 papaya or 2 cups frozen 

1 Tbsp hemp seed 

1 Tbsp chia seed

1-3 stalks of kale. Remove the stalk using leaf only.


If your not a big papaya fan, use strawberries or mangos with it to mellow the flavor. Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2


Chocolate berry Smoothie


1 cups of coconut milk or any kind

1 cup water
1 banana or 1/2 avocado

1 cups frozen berry (raspberry, blueberry, strawberry) They are all yum, can't go wrong.

1 tsp flax seed

2 Tbsp or more if you love cocao, or cocoa powder

Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2

Berries can't be tart tasting so a banana helps mellow the taste. I mix it up each time by doing a different berry each time, or the frozen berry medley mix. 



This is my go to smoothie I make the most. I buy the tropical fruit mix at costco with mangos, papaya, etc and a bag of frozen strawberries when they aren't in season.

Fresh Kale or Spinach is always in my fridge along with bananas I've frozen. Hint: Mint taste great for a refreshing taste after a workout.

2 cups of filtered water or coconut for more electrolytes
1 banana
2 handfuls of frozen fruit blend (strawberries, mango, pineapple)
1 Tbsp hemp seed
1 Tbsp chia seed
1 large handful of Kale
Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2

Have 1 serving for breakfast and the rest for an afternoon meal before dinner as a pick me up.

    Green Smoothie with mint


1.5-2 cups water

1 1/2 cup frozen strawberries

1/2 pear or apple

1/4th cucumber

1/4th beet

1 celery stalk

1 large kale leaf

1 mint leaf or 1 drop of oil

1 Tbsp hemp/flax seed blend


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and process 3-5 minutes or put on smootie setting.

For a thicker smoothie I use 1:1 water to almond milk; 1 cup water and 1 cup almond milk

    Carrot apple Drink

1 1/2 - 2 cups water or coconut milk

1 cup carrots

1 apple

1/2 lemon

1 basil leaf

1/4-1/2 beet

1 orange, peeled

1 cup ice


Add to blender and blend till well mixed.  I like to add a little ginger too.



Serves 2



    Beet Smoothie

2 cups water

1/2 avacodo

1/2 beet, the whole thing if you're daring

1/2" ginger root 

1/2 cucumber

2 stalks of celery

1 carrot

1/2 cup blueberries & strawberries

1 apple

1 large handful spinach

1 tsp hemp/flax combo


Serves 2


BEETS are a new one for me.  I think they are nasty but am learning to aquire the taste by adding them to my smoothies and meals.  They are excellent in cleansing and aid the detoxifying process of the liver. What better way to increase your energy levels in triathlon training. I feel more energy after having them, but that still doesn't make them taste good. ;-)


They also have high levels of IRON, & DIETARY FIBER, along with VITAMIN A, B, & C, BETA-CAROTENE, POTASSIUM, FOLATE, MAGNESIUM, betaine which aids in your mental mood, they lower your blood pressure, and a great source of energy. Enough said, NOW get those beets in your diet.


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and process 3-5 minutes or put on smootie setting.

For a thicker smoothie I use 1:1 water to almond milk; 1 cup water and 1 cup almond milk

Walnut Chocolate Smoothie

Okay if you're not a walnut person, then use almonds or cashew. They're all yum!


1 cup almond milk

1 cup water

1-2 pears

1/4 avocado

5 dates unpitted

2 cups romain lettuce or your choice

1 small handful of walnuts

2 Tbsp cocoa unsweetened powder or raw cocao


Blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth
Serves 2

Blueberries and Pomengrantes are very high in antioxidants and excellent in flushing toxins from your organs out of the body. Apples, kale, and cucumbers also aide in this process. This smoothies offers great nutients as they cleanse.



I LOVE HEALTH AND FITNESS. I'm passionate about creating a healthy lifestyle not only for me and my family but helping others by sharing knowledge and learning from each other. 

NASM certified personal trainer

AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

ZUMBA instructor

NASM Nutrition Coach

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